Colorado State Patrol Magazine

Angelina Page

Angelina Page

Colorado State Patrol Magazine - Editor


Our Editor

Angelina Page is an attorney who has been a member of the CSP since September of 2003, working out of the Motor Carrier Safety Section and now the POE Branch.  She presently is a civilian professional performing as an administrative operations manager for the POE Branch and as the CSP Rulemaking Coordinator.  Angie serves as the Civilian Professionals Representative on the CSPA board, and as the editor of the Colorado State Patrol Magazine. 

Angie, a Colorado native, graduated from the University of Denver, College of law in 2002 and from Metropolitan State College of Denver (before it became a university) in 1999.  Outside of work, Angie enjoys working with her two dogs, painting, tiling, landscaping, going to Body Pump classes, acting as a judge in high school mock trial competitions, and playing “Catch a Killer” games with her husband. 

About Our Magazine

The Colorado State Patrol Association has been publishing a biannual magazine for over 30 years now. The magazine has 2 issues each year and is distributed to troopers, civilian employees, retirees, dignitaries, legislators, and advertisers statewide. We send out over 2,500 copies of the magazine with each issue.

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[flipbook-shelf ids=2019_spring,2019_fall,2020_spring,2020_fall,2021_spring " style="classic" titles="bottom-fade-dark"]

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